CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra 7212 Athlon II X2 245(2.9GHz) 4GB DDR2 500GB NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT Windows Vista Home Premium 64-Bit

CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra 7212 Athlon II X2 245(2.9GHz) 4GB DDR2 500GB NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT Windows Vista Home Premium 64-Bit
alaAverage 5

5 Tests

Sep 2024

alaTest hat 5 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra 7212 Athlon II X2 245(2.9GHz) 4GB DDR2 500GB NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT Windows Vista Home Premium 64-Bit zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 5.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.1/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie PC Systeme. Die Tester mögen vor allem das Preisleistungsverhältnis.



Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 100/100 bewertet.


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Kundenmeinung (

Better Now


My old TV/Monitor died. I haven't had problems with the new one. Video performance dropped a bit with the new (bigger) display and (wide) resolution. Not enough to disrupt me.

The display issues are gone

I am not complaining

Aug 2009

Kundenmeinung (

Excellent Value and Quallity


The Cyberpower logo peels cleanly off the front of the PC, leaving only the clean lines of the Cool Master case behind.

I had my shopping cart filled with all the components for my next system build, about to proceed to checkout when I came across this PC. The specs were nearly identical to what I was about to assemble, but the price tag was about $200 cheaper. So I...

The only problems I have had with this PC so far have been Windows Vista related. Vistas driver code signature feature makes me want to pull out my hair, and IE8, it's been causing all kind of exotic errors and crashes

Aug 2009

Kundenmeinung (

Great Buy


lots of room to expand. (large case, pci slots, ram slots) VERY AFFORDABLE, i am 17 years old and i work at subway making 8.50 an hour, and this was easily attained within 2 weeks of work.

1. Great price ; 2. Very powerful, as soon as i received the computer i bombarded it with all different kinds of games (farcry 2, cod4, fear, battle forge...) to test it. it easily runs hi-end games on med to hi settings ; 3. came well built. Cords are...

Only comes with one case fan (back exhaust). However i purchased two fans and power adapters for under 20 $ and easily installed them

Aug 2009

Kundenmeinung (

Amazing comp, amazing price


It comes with an extra fan slot, I plan on buying a fan that will blow air into the case right onto the video card, hopefully that will help. This computer is definately worth buying if you are a WoW player or medium gamer on a budget. For sure this is...

1. Upgrade ability: It has 2 more ram slots making it easy to go to 6 gb of RAM or even 8 if u want to fork out the cash. All the video card slots you would need including pcie2.0x16 ; 2. WoW: I play world of warcraft, in most places I get 55-60 FPS on...

1. Power supply: Only 430 Watts, I would not buy new hardware for this computer (hard drive, video card, disc drive, RAM) without upgrading power supply ; 2. No fan on video card: Does have a good heatsinc but still a fan would help me sleep better at...

Aug 2009

Kundenmeinung (

So far so good


I like Vista more than I thought I would. I need to get to the manufature sites for drivers.

Consistent 60 fps WoW Dalaran. The box has picked up all of my externals with no fuss so far

Have had occasional display issues using a LCD TV as my monitor

Aug 2009

Preisvergleich für CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra 7212 Athlon II X2 245(2.9GHz) 4GB DDR2 500GB NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT Windows Vista Home Premium 64-Bit

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