Kogan Komodo 42L Portable Fridge and Freezer

Kogan Komodo 42L Portable Fridge and Freezer
alaAverage 2.8

10 Tests

Sep 2024

alaTest hat 10 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Kogan Komodo 42L Portable Fridge and Freezer zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 2.8/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.3/5 für andere Produkte.

Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 56/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 10 Bewertungen)



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Kundenmeinung (productreview.com.au)

Great Product, plus problem


Works very well but the plug into power seems to become dislodged so fridge stops operating. Can anybody help? Also, is there a cover for the fridge? I would like to find out if there is a bracket available to hold the plug in place. Hope someone can...

Mär 2017

Kundenmeinung (productreview.com.au)

Great Little unit and perhaps misunderstood


as on H for high to M for medium. So what was brilliant about that? Well It now draws less demanding power the Eco red light stays on and the temperature cooling has worked well ever since. I've never had a problem on Mains power but the car usage did...

Feb 2017

Kundenmeinung (productreview.com.au)

garbage dont buy


fridge wont work on 12v unless car is running even with a huge work truck battery.. Now shows er3 on screen have used once and owned for one week.. No help from support have to return the whole unit to decide if I caused an error after one turn on.....

Jan 2017

Kundenmeinung (productreview.com.au)

It's done well


When we going shopping we plug it in before we go in to shop and by the time were back its down to the temp set 3 to 4, even on hot days its a lot better than putting the milk frozen food etc in a hot car. Very happy with this as the other products I...

Okt 2016

Kundenmeinung (productreview.com.au)

It's done well till now


When we going shopping we plug it in before we go in to shop and by the time were back its down to the temp set 3 to 4, even on hot days its a lot better than putting the milk frozen food etc in a hot car. Very happy with this as the other products I...

Okt 2016

Kundenmeinung (productreview.com.au)

Pretty good for the price


I have one of these fridge freezers. Used over xmas as a freezer for week -18 C never missed a beat. Took on trip along great ocean rd for 2 weeks as a fridge set to +1C worked perfect. was used on battery during the day and plugged in at night. Only...

Mai 2016

Kundenmeinung (productreview.com.au)

Warranty a waste of time


This fridge is suitable only as an additional fridge, not the one you depend on. The lid on mine was buckled so the catch couldn't be fastened. Kogan took several weeks of discussion before deciding the fridge should be returned to Melbourne. Then they...

Mär 2016

Kundenmeinung (productreview.com.au)

Kogan Komodo Fridge is rubbish


Had mine for about 18 months, bought it from Kogan, attracted by price, but unfortunately got what I paid for. Last time I went to use it refused to work, red "power" & "eco/max" lights are on, but nothing else. No temperature display no compressor or...

Nov 2015

Kundenmeinung (productreview.com.au)

Exactly as advertised


h SLA battery to see what it's like and update this later. The main issue I have is that the control is not that responsive and doesn't display well what the settings are so it took me a few reads of the manual and some trial and error to figure it...

Feb 2015

Kundenmeinung (productreview.com.au)

Exactly as advertised


This might not suit your road warrior but for me I was looking for a cheap fridge. Metal housing is flimsy but serviceable especially if you are the careful type of person. At -10 you can feel the the outside is cool to touch so the insulation is not...

Jan 2015

Preisvergleich für Kogan Komodo 42L Portable Fridge and Freezer

No prices for this product

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