Cloud Nine Magical Quick Dry Potion, 200ml

Cloud Nine Magical Quick Dry Potion, 200ml
alaAverage 4.2

15 Tests

Mär 2025

Wir haben 15 Verbrauchermeinungen aus internationalen Quellen analysiert. Verbraucher stufen es mit 84/100 ein. Das durchschnittliche Testberichtdatum ist der 25.12.2017. Wir haben diese Testberichte mit 370982 Testberichten über Haarpflege verglichen. Letztes Update: 12.03.2025.


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Kundenmeinung (

Half of it Missing!!


Finally arrived today and half of the product has leaked out in transit!! Not great considering how expensive it is!!

Okt 2019

Kundenmeinung (

Waste of money


It came leaking then the spray didn't work so had to decant it into another bottle and it made no difference to the drying time of my hair very disappointed in this rather expensive product !

Apr 2019

Kundenmeinung (

The stuff amazing however ...


However it came half empty due to it leaking in transit

Feb 2019

Kundenmeinung (

Cuts teenage hair drying time on school mornings! Fabulous product


Bought this, quite expensive, but worth it . Only a few squirts needed. Does exactly what it says, speeds up drying thick hair. Perfect on my teenagers thick hair on school mornings

Nov 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Makes my hair and extensions feel amazing


Geez I have hair extensions and it's hard to find a product that make my hair feel amazing well I have found my magic potion!!

Sep 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Absolute life saver!!!


This product is absolutely amazing, I was bit sceptic at first thinking it wouldn't work, however this has saved half the time drying my hair, to all you girls with really thick hair like mine that are fed up of your arm aching while drying this is an...

Apr 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Cloud Nine Magical Quick Dry Potion, 200ml


The product actually does what it claims, even when using with other styling products, hair does dry quicker and when dry shines and has movement.

Feb 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Truely Magical Potion


I have been using this product for a number of years now, it helps protect the hair from heat damage and reduces the drying time which is a bonus in the mornings.

Feb 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Great product


Amazing - really works . Has made a difference not needing to have my difficult thick hair done at the hairdressers when on holiday.

Jan 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Not good


I have been using this for about a week now. I wash my hair rather alot and have found this product to be useless. Way over priced and if anything it feels like your drying it for a longer time as all it does is add more water to your hair.

Jul 2017

Preisvergleich für Cloud Nine Magical Quick Dry Potion, 200ml

No prices for this product