Nav-Mat Portable GPS Dashboard Mount

Nav-Mat Portable GPS Dashboard Mount
alaScore 80

25 Tests

Sep 2024

alaTest hat 25 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Nav-Mat Portable GPS Dashboard Mount zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.8/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 3.9/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie Mobile GPS Navigationssysteme. Das Preisleistungsverhältnis und die Leistung wird von vielen Testern gelobt. Auch die Bedienbarkeit wird gelobt.

Bedienbarkeit, Preisleistungsverhältnis, Leistung

Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte in der Kategorie Mobile GPS Navigationssysteme erzielt Nav-Mat Portable GPS Dashboard Mount einen alaScore™ von 80/100 = Sehr gut.


(Basierend auf 25 Bewertungen)


25 Bewertung(en)

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Zeige 1 - 10 von 25 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Deutschland | in anderen Sprachen

Kundenmeinung (

Worth the Money!


This was a great purchase. The mount works great. We use it in a Heavy Duty Dodge over rough terrain, and the mount has yet failed to stay in place!!

Sep 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Garmin is the best


I have had several navigation systems of different brands and Garmin is by far the best. My only complaint of this particular model is that while it shows your actual speed it does not show the actual speed limit of the road you are on which could be...

Aug 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Best Purchase Ever


Finally used it and very pleased.. Excellent idea...I have a small dashboard and it still sits without moving....

Apr 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Nav-Mat Portable GPS Dashboard Mount


I found this product to be quite good. Don't use my GPS on a regular basis, but when I tried it out, I thought it to ge a good idea and easy to use. It didn't move while driving and turning and you just pick it up with the GPS and all and put it on the...

Mär 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Not Needed


I find that the GPS does not stay on the mat. I find myself sticking it to the window.

Feb 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Does not slide!


This product is very useful for quickly mounting my GPS. I was concerned about the Nav-Mat sliding on the dashboard, but it has yet to move at all while I'm driving. It protects my GPS very well. Be warned though- it is made for a larger dashboard....

Jan 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Very convenient


This is so convenient! When you get out of the car, just take this and slip it out of sight, take it inside when you're done for the night. It is so much better than the awkward "attached to the windshield" idea. We have a small car with a slanted dash...

Jan 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Better then Advertised


I was getting tired of seeing my GPS bounce off the dashboard because of the mount not being secure on the windshield, I saw this item and thought I would give it a try, for the price what would I have to loose, This Item is OUTSTANDING, works...

Jan 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Best Idea 4 GPS


This product is very well made and a lil on the heavy side. Overall great idea got for a birthday present with Omintech Gps. Looks like its going to last for a long time. You will not b disappointed.

Dez 2009

Kundenmeinung (



Bought my Garmin a year ago and husband would not allow to be attached to windshield. This is the perfect solution. Stays right where you put it and is easier to reach. Terrific item. I recomend highly. Very pleased. Good value and fast delivery.

Dez 2009

Preisvergleich für Nav-Mat Portable GPS Dashboard Mount

No prices for this product

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